About Me

I am a 26 year old guy who suffers with Hypothyroidsism, I am not getting the treatment I need off the NHS and Im sick and tired of being fobbed off!! If you have not felt well since starting a thyroid replacement then this is the place for you! I want to make everyone an "expert patient" and make the Doctors understand they dont know everything! We need the correct treatment and we deserve to get it too! If you would like to Email me, please feel free, I like talking to people with Thyroid disease. Ric@Thyroidhelp.org

Monday, 12 January 2009

Well my year hasnt been great I have spent the first 10 days either taking my son up hospital due to suspicous rashes or being flashed by speed cameras or breaking mobile phones. However despite all this I refuse to give up and think of them as minor set backs in the grand scheme of things!
The B12 tablets dont seem to of made much of a difference apart from my weight has stabilised. My fatigue is still there, so I have decided to increase my Thyroxine from 250mcg to 300mcg. So far so good still early days though.
This year 2009 is going to my year Im going to make myself happy!

The best thing is there is hope, without it we have nothing. So wooo Im gonna be happy!! Positive thinking and all that!! lol

Hope your 2009 has started better than mine!

Be well


Papillon said...

You went up from 250mcg to 300mcg in one go ? Do you have suicidal tendancies ?

You have to do these things slowly, not more that 30mcg at a time. Otherwise it puts a tremendous strain on your body - especially your heart.

Are you self-treating ? If so I think you need to study this a bit more carefully otherwise you can do yourself a lot of harm.

And no, I'm not a doctor scared of selftreating because it dimishes my monopoly of power, I'm a fellow selftreating sufferer who wishes you well.

I think the UK must be the worst places to be hypo - not there are any good places, but the UK just gets worse and worse. I am in France, which has its own problems, but at least we aren't afflicted with the National Health !


Unknown said...

hi RIc,

just now discovered your blog as i am hypo and am having difficulties getting armour here in the states. i am applying for my UK visa and hope to be moving there in Feb. 2010 to be with my partner. Is it easier to get Armour in the UK. I hope so.!


Anonymous said...

This blog is really a great source of information which is very useful for me. Thank you very much for such important information.