About Me

I am a 26 year old guy who suffers with Hypothyroidsism, I am not getting the treatment I need off the NHS and Im sick and tired of being fobbed off!! If you have not felt well since starting a thyroid replacement then this is the place for you! I want to make everyone an "expert patient" and make the Doctors understand they dont know everything! We need the correct treatment and we deserve to get it too! If you would like to Email me, please feel free, I like talking to people with Thyroid disease. Ric@Thyroidhelp.org

Monday, 12 April 2010

My second son is born.

Hi guys long time no posts, sorry for the delay in writing a new post, been very busy. My wife gave me another child in March , his name Leo. Not bad for someone who was told they were sterile by a doctors receptionist hehe.

Thyroid 2010

So my thyroid problems, are still here, my weight is still not under control. fatigue although not a massive problem anymore is still a problem, and still drives my wife crazy.
I'm taking an unbelievable 700 yes 700mcg thyroxine, I'm not taking any Armour or T3.

I'm still suffering from a self diagnosed fatigued Adrenal gland, although still haven't done anything about it. I know i need too, but its expensive and takes alot of energy which I do not have with 2 children one a toddler and another 30 day old.
The stress of my wife expecting another child and money problems etc, as well as working exessively trying to avoid bank managers, has definetly left me more fatigued and craving salty foods among many other symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

I'm still taking vitamin B12 which I know helps me immensley, when I came of it I felt the withdrawal. not good!

I hope your all well, I will post again soon, and hopefully get another video on youtube soon too!!

Stay well my Thyroid buddies, as well as can be anyways lol!!



Pam said...

you should consider adding T3...it wasn't until i asked to be put on cytomel, on top of levothroid, did i stop having to take 3 or more hours naps to get through the day. i still have my struggles, too, though. the weight, a little bit of depression, and still tired at times are a pain.

Diana Rose said...

Thank you for posting this blog.I have a thyroid disease, too and I've been taking natural thyroid ever since.I'm afraid that this disease might cause cancer, too and that's why I always take good care of my health.

Atlanta Plastic Surgeons said...

You have to cut salt from your diet and you will be much better and then probably your want for more food would be reduced due to the distaste. Atlanta Plastic Surgery

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This blog is really a great source of information which is very useful for me. Thank you very much for such important information.