About Me

I am a 26 year old guy who suffers with Hypothyroidsism, I am not getting the treatment I need off the NHS and Im sick and tired of being fobbed off!! If you have not felt well since starting a thyroid replacement then this is the place for you! I want to make everyone an "expert patient" and make the Doctors understand they dont know everything! We need the correct treatment and we deserve to get it too! If you would like to Email me, please feel free, I like talking to people with Thyroid disease. Ric@Thyroidhelp.org

Friday, 23 January 2009

Is this the road to recovery?

Since the beginning of December 2008, I have been taking high potency B12 tablets 5000mcg, had a few increases in Armour, and an increase in Thyroxine. The reason why I did this was in November I was getting very down, depressed maybe, feeling very sorry for myself, as well as increased fatigue and generally feeling crap. So I decided to increase my Armour first going from 3 to 4 grains, first I felt a definite boost in my health.
Next came the B12 tablets, I started taking them, and then the beginning of January I started taking an extra 50mcg of Thyroxine..
End of January, and things seem to be looking up, Im doing alot more, whether its because I have No choice with being a father, or whether the meds are working, somethings working for me!
My wife has even noticed things seem to be happening, asking 'whats come over you' and 'whoa, you seem happy' which if she is saying that means Im doing well. I still have bad days, I think everyone does, but things as of right now are good! I know that tomorrow with me could be the opposite, and I could be moaning that I'm feeling rubbish...So I will take it as it comes, and enjoy the good days, and try and be happy!!
Hope your all well


Monday, 12 January 2009

Well my year hasnt been great I have spent the first 10 days either taking my son up hospital due to suspicous rashes or being flashed by speed cameras or breaking mobile phones. However despite all this I refuse to give up and think of them as minor set backs in the grand scheme of things!
The B12 tablets dont seem to of made much of a difference apart from my weight has stabilised. My fatigue is still there, so I have decided to increase my Thyroxine from 250mcg to 300mcg. So far so good still early days though.
This year 2009 is going to my year Im going to make myself happy!

The best thing is there is hope, without it we have nothing. So wooo Im gonna be happy!! Positive thinking and all that!! lol

Hope your 2009 has started better than mine!

Be well

Friday, 2 January 2009

Happy New Year!

Since Christmas eve I have had the flu! Not good at all! So I cant say whether these B12 tablets are working. However, I have stopped trying to lose weight over the Christmas period and normally with the amount of chocolate, turkey and beer I have been shovelling down my throat, I would expect to of gained at least a stone. I have not gained a single oz. So thats good.

My main goals this year is to keep this Blog updated for my own benefit, and also my loyal fans (lol), read my progress and see that getting better is an option. Also losing weight is high on things to do, after my very overweight cousin lost so much weight through Weightwatchers, Im feeling motivated to shift some weight too. That and I dont want to be called Big Ric no more, even though I think thats got something to do with my huge frame than anything else lol. Also with this credit crunch I need to lose extra pounds even more, £££ I owe way to much and that is going to change this year!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and I hope this Year is your best year ever, I hope its mine, I really need a good year! Even though my little boy was born, who is my little ray of sunshine, and watching him grow and learn has warmed my heart so much. I still need a better year, even though I cant top the moment he was born.
I'll keep you updated

Take care

Ric www.thyroidhelp.org