About Me

I am a 26 year old guy who suffers with Hypothyroidsism, I am not getting the treatment I need off the NHS and Im sick and tired of being fobbed off!! If you have not felt well since starting a thyroid replacement then this is the place for you! I want to make everyone an "expert patient" and make the Doctors understand they dont know everything! We need the correct treatment and we deserve to get it too! If you would like to Email me, please feel free, I like talking to people with Thyroid disease. Ric@Thyroidhelp.org

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Hi all. Long time since my last post and update but I havent been to well to be truthful. I have gained weight my fatigue is bad and I just could nt be bothered, perk of having a thyroid disease I s`pose!!

Anyways last time I posted I said i was seeing Professor Franklyn well I went to see her and she didnt disappoint. She agreed that my symptoms were just that symptoms but apart from that and an endocrine MOT that was it!! She didnt care that I was on Armour that was the problem really she didnt care at all!!

Anyways after all that I had had enough and decided to go and see Dr Skinner. I was seen after 3 days of booking the appointment. I got there on the day and was welcomed and treated like a king a far throws away from the NHS department! I was ushered in and offered a cup of tea which was nice.

In the appointment I was given a warm welcome. I expressed my fatigue and weight gain. I told him what meds I was on and my new blood test results.

He did a very thorough check of my skin, my pulse, blood pressure, eyes, and made me feel at ease and that I was nt mad! which other Endos have made me feel in the past!

He suggested that I reduced the amount of Armour I was taking by half and added some thyroxine 100mcg to my daily meds routine.

He said, if I didnt feel well in 30 days to drop him a line and he would add some T3 as well.

Well that was 2 weeks ago and although Im not feeling red hot Im feeling better, even been to work full time this week which I havent done for over a year.

Dr Skinner wasnt cheap costing just under two hundred pounds to see but my Armour bill has been cut in half and that was getting very expensive!

So Im on a bit of a high for the first time in years, and with a baby on the way, Im feeling great!!

Only time will tell....